Good news everyone!
The beta testing has been closed and we’re ready to release the newest 3DF Zephyr build, version 4.3!
Lets see what’s new!
Faster processing – both the Structure from Motion and the Multiview stereo phases have been significantly improved: for the SfM phase, the bundle adjustment has been improved for dealing with very big datasets and the speedup is especially significant when using more than 500 photos during the orientation phase. As for the MvS phase, the depth map generation was the slower part of the pipeline and we have improved it a lot using novel techniques. Better detail – Our multiview stereo routine has been improved in several parts and it can recover even more detail than before. Improvements have also been made in the photoconsistency algorithm, which can now deal better with thin structures. Knife cut tool – You can now cut through mesh triangles using planes (or bounding box) for a much more beautiful results Improved UI and new bounding box – Many tools have been reorganized for a much more efficient workflow and an even cleaner UI design – to top it off, 4.3 also features a new improved bounding box and gizmo. Export self-hosted 3d model – Quickly embed your 3D model on your website using this HTML/JS exporter. CUDA 10.0 – Zephyr has been upgraded to use the latest NVIDIA CUDA toolkit, 10.0. This allows to support the most recent cards. Please note that with this improvement, the support to older cards (CUDA capabilities < 3.0) has been dropped. Make sure to update your drivers! |
3DF Zephyr Aerial also gets these new exclusive features:
New orthophoto (Aerial only) – You can now use tiles and selection with rubber band on any mode. Results and workflow have been improved – the orthophoto is now integrated in the workspace, which means that any generated orthophoto will be saved in the zep file and you will be able to view it in the 3D viewport.
New planar surface drawing element (Aerial only) – Planar surface drawing elements can now be added and saved in the workspace and exported as CAD elements
New blueprint generation tool (Aerial only) – Automatic plane fitting allows to automatically extract sections/room, specifically optimized in architecture/building scenarios (blueprints).
OSGB/Ive support (Aerial only) – LoD meshes can be exported in OSGB/Ive.
![]() | Other minor updates include bindable hotkeys for the main zephyr window, masking improvements, better enhance mesh behaviour and much more (the full changelog is below!) Get 3DF Zephyr Free Get 3DF Zephyr Lite/Pro/Aerial trial: Get FlowEngine
The full changelog for 3DF Zephyr 4.3 is the following:
- Large dataset Bundle adjustment support (SfM Speedup)
- Depth map generation speed ups (MvS speedup)
- Depth map generation quality improved
- Improved thin structures extraction
- Knife cut tool
- Bindable keys
- Improved UV viewer
- Improved orientation
- Bounding box selection
- New bounding box
- New dock for selection and editing
- Select cameras from 3D
- Update to Cuda 10.0
- Better generate enhanced mesh behaviour
- Automatic plane fitting for blueprints generation (3DF Zephyr Aerial only)
- New planar surface drawing element (3DF Zephyr Aerial only)
- Improved orthophoto generation (3DF Zephyr Aerial only)
- Orthophoto in workspace (3DF Zephyr Aerial only)
- OSGB/Ive support (3DF Zephyr Aerial only)
- Export self-hosted 3d model
- Allowed export texture images only
- Limit rendering
- Batch tool can load .zep
- Color comparison
- Quick orientation tools don’t change scale
- Detection of masks with different sizes
- Mask autopropagation during sfm
- Faster Mask by color
- Fixed youtube upload with new API
- Added button to switch to rendering system
- Heic image support
- Added wrml exporter
- 3DF Zephyr Free Mandatory updagrade grace period
Press Kit logos and images available here: