3DF Zephyr Development Status Progress – Avocado (3)

posted in: News

The upcoming Avocado release is not just about speed improvements: we said this already, but it never hurts to remark that also technology improvements, easier workflow and new features are also going to be included in Avocado.

We are getting close to the beta testing of the first Beta (hopefully within a couple of weeks, if all goes well) so it’s time for another status update! Although you can see the current status over 3dscanninghacks wiki lets take a closer look to what else is brewing after the first and second status updates.

Automated DTM generation from DSM

Finally in 3DF Zephyr it is now possible to generate a DTM from a DSM in a seamless and completetly automated way. You can move the following slider to immediately feel how well this filter works: this has been a long-time requested feature that we are very happy to be able to ship with Avocado.

Before imageAfter image

Photoconsistency high frequency gain

Although the high frequency gain option is already available in the current 3.702 release, its usage is quite limited. In Avocado this feature has been extended and improved. Following, three examples that compares the photoconsistency results without the high frequency gain option (left) with the new high frequency option on (right). Although in many cases this option may result in a slight superficial noise increase, it would generally be able to extract more details.

Before imageAfter image
Before imageAfter image
Before imageAfter image

Improved 16/32bit texture workflow 

Easier workflow for generating 16/32bit textures. Now you can specify the desired output during texture generation, instead of regenerating it during export.

Even more features!

We are happy to announce that even more features initially not planned for Avocado are going to be integrated very soon. This may slow us down for a few days from the expected release date but it is going to be worth the wait. We don’t have enough information to share at this moment though, so for the moment we’ll just create some hype for the next status report 🙂