is the photogrammetry software solution by 3Dflow
to automatically reconstruct 3D models from photos: deal with any 3D reconstruction and scanning challenge.

No matter what camera sensor, drone or laser scanner device
you are going to use.





From the camera orientation to the texture generation phase.


Get full control over all the four 3D reconstruction steps
benefiting from a blazing fast experience provided by
Zephyr’s multi-GPU support




Hundreds of applications, projects and scenarios.
Define your goals, and let 3DF Zephyr tune in to your needs and skills.


Leverage photogrammetry, laser scans or both
inside just one application




Get true orthophotos, Digital Terrain and Surface models (DTM, DSM), stats and project reports.
Perform CAD drawing and generate sections, paths and contour lines.


Measure anything. Then, export your data to the file format that suits you best.



Find the best 3DF Zephyr for you

3DF Zephyr Free
Completely free version for personal use, and always updated!
  • Turn your photos into beautiful 3D models with our proprietary and powerful technology!
    Full 3D reconstruction
  • You can use up to 50 photos (or 50 video frames) in your projects.
    50 photos limit
  • The Free edition is limited to only one GPU (NVIDIA CUDA or OpenCL compatible: NVIDIA, AMD, Intel) for processing acceleration.
    Single GPU support
  • With the Free Edition, you may only export textured meshes with JPG texture and upload movies on YouTube.
    Limited exporting capabilities
  • All the essential editing tools you expect, such as selection, cut, copy elements and so on. Or simply use Zephyr as a 3D model viewer.
    Limited editing tools
  • Always updated
  • Need help? Post on our forums, and our staff - and our fantastic community - will be there to help you out!
    Full forum support
  • Perpetual license
3DF Zephyr Lite
Buy once and enjoy your Zephyr license forever: no recurrent plans or any file project locking mechanism, with 12 months of updates included.
€199.00 + VAT
  • Turn your photos into beautiful 3D models with our proprietary and powerful technology!
    Full 3D reconstruction
  • Use as many images as you need in your projects! The limit is only the amount of ram available.
    Unlimited images
  • The Lite edition is limited to two (2) GPUs (NVIDIA CUDA or OpenCL compatible: NVIDIA, AMD, Intel) for processing acceleration.
    Dual GPU support
  • The Lite edition allows you to export meshes and textured meshes in many formats, as well as save videos to your PC.
    Basic exporting capabilities
  • All the essential editing tools you expect, such as selection, cut, copy elements, several filters and so on. Or simply use Zephyr as a 3D model viewer.
    Basic editing tools
  • Get all updates for a year following your purchase, including all major releases. At the end of your 12 months of updates, you will be able to buy an extension for a very reasonable price.
    1 year updates included
  • Need help? Post on our forums, and our staff - and our fantastic community - will be there to help you out, or write us via email!
    Basic email & full forum support
  • Perpetual license
3DF Zephyr (Monthly)
Do you need to use Zephyr for specific periods of time? Go for our subscription plan and rent the software monthly! The subscription renewal is optional and you can cancel anytime.
€250.00 + VAT / mo
  • Turn your photos into beautiful 3D models with our proprietary and powerful technology!
    Full 3D reconstruction
  • Use as many images as you need in your projects! The limit is only the amount of ram available.
    Unlimited images
  • The professional edition can use as many video cards (NVIDIA CUDA or OpenCL compatible: NVIDIA, AMD, Intel) available on the system.
    Full GPU support
  • Export point clouds, meshes, textured meshes, camera positions, distances, control points and much, much more.
    Full exporting capabilities
  • All the essential 3D editing tools as well as many filters and utilities to optimize your workflow.
    Advanced editing tools
  • Easily place control points and measure distances, areas, volumes and much more.
    Control points & measurements
  • Import native laser scan file format (i.e., .fls, .rdbx, .zfs, .dp) and perform bundle adjustments and cloud to cloud registrations easily and directly inside Zephyr.
    Laser Scan support
  • Generate orthophotos, orthomosaics and DEMs in a few clicks with our follow-through and intuitive wizard.
    Orthophoto & DEM
  • Extract contour lines, track sections, switch to different projection systems or draw directly on pictures your polylines. Powerful tools with an easy to use interface.
    GIS, CAD & Survey Tools
  • Get all updates for as long as your subscription is valid.
    Always updated
  • Need help? Post on our forums, and our staff - and our fantastic community - will be there to help you out, or write us via email!
    Full email and forum support
  • 30 days subscription
3DF Zephyr
Buy once and enjoy your Zephyr license forever: no recurrent plans or any file project locking mechanism, with 12 months of updates included.
€4200.00 + VAT
  • Turn your photos into beautiful 3D models with our proprietary and powerful technology!
    Full 3D reconstruction
  • Use as many images as you need in your projects! The limit is only the amount of ram available.
    Unlimited images
  • The professional edition can use as many video cards (NVIDIA CUDA or OpenCL compatible: NVIDIA, AMD, Intel) available on the system.
    Full GPU support
  • Export point clouds, meshes, textured meshes, camera positions, distances, control points and much, much more.
    Full exporting capabilities
  • All the essential 3D editing tools as well as many filters and utilities to optimize your workflow.
    Advanced editing tools
  • Easily place control points and measure distances, areas, volumes and much more.
    Control points & measurements
  • Import native laser scan file format (i.e., .fls, .rdbx, .zfs, .dp) and perform bundle adjustments and cloud to cloud registrations easily and directly inside Zephyr.
    Laser Scan support
  • Generate orthophotos, orthomosaics and DEMs in a few clicks with our follow-through and intuitive wizard.
    Orthophoto & DEM
  • Extract contour lines, track sections, switch to different projection systems or draw directly on pictures your polylines. Powerful tools with an easy to use interface.
    GIS, CAD & Survey Tools
  • Get all updates for as long as your subscription is valid.
    Always updated
  • Need help? Post on our forums, and our staff - and our fantastic community - will be there to help you out, or write us via email!
    Full email and forum support
  • Perpetual license

When you choose 3DF Zephyr‘s perpetual license you are purchasing a license with no subscriptions or hidden fees, with 12 months of updates included. When the 12 months of free updates expire, you can renew for 12 more months at 20% the license price. During the updates period even major releases are included! Your will always be able to download and install the latest build included in your initial included updates.

If instead you choose the subscription model (unavailable for 3DF Zephyr Lite), you are purchasing 30 days of 3DF Zephyr, rebilled automatically. You can cancel the automatic rebilling at any time with no extra costs or penalties – your license will of course work until the end of the paid subscription month.

View the full features list and System requirements