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What is FlowSDK?
FlowSDK was our previous photogrammetry Software Development Kit: a powerful, fully customizable photogrammetry reconstruction engine written in C++ for Windows platforms.
The following description has been superseded by the new FlowEngine SDK.
With FlowSDK, you are free to develop your own 3D reconstruction application, powered by our world class, powerful state of the art technology. Our own flagship product, 3DF Zephyr, runs the exact same technology that powers our SDK.
With 3Dflow’s SDK, capturing reality using photogrammetry has never been easier.
How does it work?
FlowSDK came as two Windows x64 only dynamic link libraries. With the introduction of FlowEngine, now also GNU/Linux is supported. The Structure from motion and Multiview stereo Interfaces are written in C++ and are very easy to use. You can control the full reconstruction pipeline, from the structure from motion phase to the mesh and texturing. Settings can be passed directly or can be read and written using XML files, which are also 100% compatible with 3DF Zephyr.
How does the licensing works? How much does it cost?
The following licensing has been superseded by the new FlowEngine licensing.
FlowSDK can be used in any scenario (internal server for research and development, component for a commercial application, …. ) and covers unlimited reconstructions (meaning that while your license valid, you don’t have to pay royalties fee or any other hidden price).
The FlowSDK license is per-installation and directly tied to the scenario in which it gets used. This means that we do not have a fixed price, but rather we discuss with you your scenario, your expected installations and tailor the best licensing cost for your company.
Where can i find the documentation? Even better, can i see an example?
Please proceed to the new FlowEngine page.
What are its input and output?
The SDK is completetly independent: you can simply input any image (JPG, PNG…) and you can export directly into our native export format (.3dk) which can be then loaded into Zephyr, or you can write your own exporter to specific file formats. You will always be able to access all information generated by our reconstruction pipeline.