3DF Zephyr v.1.008

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  • Roberto
    • Jun 2011
    • 559


    3DF Zephyr v.1.008

    - New Orthophoto generation routine with subpixel precision.
    - Orthophoto Georeferencing (through World File)
    - DEM file generation
    - New Camera exporting format added (Translation + Rotation)
    - New file format added to export menu: xyz and pts for point cloud
    - Speed up image loading in New Project Wizard
    - Added the 'Local and Restrained' option for Bundle Adjustment in the new project wizard to deal with very large datasets
    - Added 'Remove all' menu option in the control points dock
    - Added 'Add all' button during orthophoto wizard
    - Improved automatic world alignment after reconstruction
    - Fixed a bug during mesh clipping
    - It is now possible to export point cloud from meshes from the 'Export stereo point clouds' dialog
    - Fixed importing from old version of 3DF Samantha
    - Fixed a bug in stereo computation (improved accuracy)
    - Fixed a crash occurring during workspace loading
    - Minor gui/translation fixes
  • Andrea Alessi
    3Dflow Staff
    • Oct 2013
    • 1364

    Welcome to the 3DF Zephyr faqs! Feel free to open your own thread for your questions: this thread will be kept updated with the most common and useful answers about 3DF Zephyr!

    [h1] 3DF Zephyr Resources[/h1]
    · 3DF Zephyr documentation
    · How to acquire a good dataset for 3DF Zephyr
    · 3DF Zephyr Tutorials

    [h1] 3DF Zephyr FAQs[/h1]
    · Can I install 3DF Zephyr Pro on more than one computer with one license?

    You can uninstall and install 3DF Zephyr pro as many times and on as many computers as you need. The only requirement is that there can be only one simultaneously installed copy of Zephyr on your computers. If your license allows you more than one installation, than that limitation applies.

    · I'm experiencing problems/crashes with 3DF Zephyr. What should I do?

    3DF Zephyr is a complex software, so it's hard to tell without further information. Post on the forums or send us an email, describing your problem and don't forget to attach the logs! You can find them in your "%appdata%/3DF Zephyr Pro/Log" directory.

    · My Nvidia card is not detected by 3DF Zephyr as a Cuda device. How can i fix that?

    This issue is most likely caused by an outdated driver. Please update your video driver to the latest version!

    · Where can i find 3DF Zephyr log files?

    Log files are stored in your %appdata%/3DF Zephyr Pro/Log directory; you can also access that folder from Zephyr: click on "Tools" -] "Options", select the "Application" tab and then click on "Open Log Folder"

    · I receive a warning on Zephyr startup, saying that it cannot create temporary cache directories. What does this means?

    This warning is issued only from versions ]= 1.009. Some third party software or specific windows configurations might have blocked the 3DF Zephyr installer to create the temporary directory needed for computation. Try to manually create the %temp%/3DF Zephyr Pro/ directory or run 3DF Zephyr Pro as Administrator.

    · I'd like to buy 3DF Zephyr pro to set up an automated 3D reconstruction web service. Does the license allow this?

    This special case is not allowed by the license, as well as there is no CLI executable for input. For this purpose, you'll need our SDK.

    · Is it possible to buy the Samantha SDK and Stasia standalone (no GUI) ?

    Yes, this is possible on a case by case basis with yearly fee. Feel free to contact us at sales@3dflow.net for further information (or visit our SDK page)

    · I need a custom plugin that does a specific thing i need. Can you help me?

    Yes, we can! We can write custom sotware for your needs, so feel free to contact us at sales@3dflow.net with your case scenario for a quote.

    · I bought 3DF Zephyr Pro. Do i get updates?

    Yes! Updates are included with your 3DF Zephyr Pro purchase!

    · How long do i get updates for 3DF Zephyr 1.0 ?

    You will get one year of all 3DF Zephyr Pro updates (unless you purchased Zephyr before 01-Dec-2014, in which case, all Zephyr 1.x updates are included). Keep in touch with us ( did you know we are also on twitter and facebook? )!

    · Is OpenCL supported?

    3DF Zephyr Pro supports only CUDA. OpenCL support is not expected to happen.

    · Are multiple GPU systems supported?

    Yes! From version 1.030, multi GPU configurations are supported!

    · What's the Zephyr resolution limit?

    Check this page!


    • oao
      Blossoming 3Dflower
      • Mar 2014
      • 2

      i'm testing 3DF Zephyr vs Agisoft and Zephyr is great !
      It seams turntable shooting technic does't work with Zephyr, the background is aligned but not my object ?
      Is there a mask tool or a way to isolate the object i want to align ?
      Is there a tool to cut, clean and fix Mesh ?
      Best regards


      • Roberto
        Roberto commented
        Editing a comment
        Hi Steve,
        unfortunately we don't have a way to mask the background in zephyr, but this is something we are going to add with the next releases as well with some very simple editing tools (only for removing points and triangles). The problem with your setup is that the background is more textured than the foreground object.
        I would try to either to:
        - add more features on the basis of the table (maybe try to add a newspaper or a textured paper)
        - mask the background by manual coloring it (e.g. white or black) with an image editor before importing the photos in Zephyr
        Hope this helps

      • oao
        oao commented
        Editing a comment
        Thanks for your reply, it helped me to understand how Zephyr build the points cloud, i don't think the turntable set up is a good set up anyway.