Alignement errors...

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  • Andrea Alessi
    3Dflow Staff
    • Oct 2013
    • 1350

    Hi Yoruk,

    taking more images may invalidate those points (as it is noise).

    Regardless, you can always use the in-zephyr tools to clean the point cloud/mesh


    • Yoruk
      • Jul 2018
      • 28

      Thanks !

      I still have issues with the automatic Masquerade computation. But it looks like that the software that I use to take pictures with the rotary table can crop the pictures and output a mask.

      Can the "Lite" version of Masquerade is able to import and use different masks files ? With the free version we have to work with your internal format...


      • Andrea Alessi
        3Dflow Staff
        • Oct 2013
        • 1350

        Hi Yoruk,

        i can't stress this enough: do not feed cropped images into zephyr !

        Make sure to check out the addendum we recently published for masquerade: turntable mode, automatic color removal with masquerade, and external software masks generation. The latest one is the one you need if you wish to use external software to generate masks ( also remember that our .bim format is much faster to load masks in zephyr )


        • Yoruk
          • Jul 2018
          • 28

          My fault, sorry : I didn't plan to crop the pictures, but only to generate a mask with an external software. Your last link is exactly was I was looking for. Thanks !


          • Yoruk
            • Jul 2018
            • 28

            Can I please request one week or two more to test the "Lite" version ? I have still some experiments to perform.


            • Andrea Alessi
              3Dflow Staff
              • Oct 2013
              • 1350

              Hi Yoruk,

              sure! I will send you a trial extension at the email address you have used to register to the forum.


              • Yoruk
                • Jul 2018
                • 28

                What is exactly the difference between the "mesh" and "textured mesh" computations ? The "mesh" itself already looks fine...

                The triangles are created during the "mesh" generation, but the image-map is created in the "textured mesh" operation ?


                • Andrea Alessi
                  3Dflow Staff
                  • Oct 2013
                  • 1350

                  When the mesh is generated, color is only in the vertices of each triangle, but the color of the sub-parts of each triangle itself is simply interpolated from the three vertices.

                  While you generate a textured mesh, a texture is also generated, and the color is mapped to the texture, which, in turns, fills the triangles, giving them a photorealistic look.

                  Try making a very low poly mesh and you'll immediately notice the difference


                  • Yoruk
                    • Jul 2018
                    • 28

                    Thanks, it's more clearer now ! :-)


                    • Yoruk
                      • Jul 2018
                      • 28

                      I have a question on how exactly I should use a pallet to help the software to perform the alignment, in case of two series (chair in classic position, chair on it's side).

                      So I have a first series of pictures taken like this (picture one, sorry for my paint skills ^^)

                      For the second series (chair on it's side) should I keep the pallet, (picture 2) or it's useless and I can shoot without one ?

                      If I have to keep it, I have to keep the pallet in masquerade ? I'm afraid that the software will not understand how to align the two sets because the palett is not in the same position ?

                      I am also afraid to have a result like the picture 3 (with two pallets on the model...). Remove the pallet under the chair will be easy with the build-in tools, but the second one may be not easy.

                      Hope you understand my question... To sum up I have a hard-to align model, I have a pallet, how to take two series of pictures on my turn-table (chair on it's feet, chair on it's side) to compute the final model ?

                      Thanks in advance for your advices. :-)


                      • Andrea Alessi
                        3Dflow Staff
                        • Oct 2013
                        • 1350



                        • Yoruk
                          • Jul 2018
                          • 28

                          Originally posted by Andrea Alessi
                          A similar workflow can be done even without pro/aerial, but it means doing small portions of the project, switch out the masks from the workspace menu) and so on. You'll need to use textured parts of the object in order to plan your "add photos" phase, so it's a little trickier.
                          I'm not sure to understand... How can I achieve that ? By adding my pictures little by little ?


                          • Andrea Alessi
                            3Dflow Staff
                            • Oct 2013
                            • 1350

                            You'd have your first round of turntable (chair up). Mask out the wall but leave what's under the chair.

                            After you have processed this first part, swap the masks with new masks (where only the chair is visible).

                            At this point add and process the second round of turntable (chair down) where only the chair is visible.

                            Of course this is not optimal (would be much easier with pro/aerial) and you need a good overlap and features visibility from the second orbit


                            • Yoruk
                              • Jul 2018
                              • 28

                              Ok I got it. Thanks !

