Hello. I'm trying to calculate a face model but results of my model isn't very good. I did several times before at another people succesfully but my last 3Dmodel has no nose for example. I take shots with 24mm lens and 5D mark III. My images are good but there is another problem I think. (I think 24mm lens is mistake. I'm alsa try to calibrate my lens with 3DLapyx)
And here is my question: If I add control points to my photos at person's beauty spots, acne etc. does it change output quality?
I trying different keypoint presets etc. but each test take a lot of times of course. When I add control points, program can't show equiline lines correct positions. If I show correct points on every photo, does it help the 3D process?
And here is my question: If I add control points to my photos at person's beauty spots, acne etc. does it change output quality?
I trying different keypoint presets etc. but each test take a lot of times of course. When I add control points, program can't show equiline lines correct positions. If I show correct points on every photo, does it help the 3D process?