3d printed mould

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  • olbas
    Blossoming 3Dflower
    • Nov 2019
    • 1


    3d printed mould

    I am a total newbie, so please forgive me if this is a stupid question! I would like to make a 3d model of a child's toy animal. I have had a first attempt at photgrammetry and the 3d object looks promising. I'm about to join a club with a 3D printer, so I hope they can take me through those stages, but I have a couple of questions that I'd like to ask here:

    1) The real object is about 30cms high. How do I shrink the object to about 10cm for printing?

    2) As well as the printed object, I'd like to create a mould at the same scale, which I could use to make chocolate, probably in two halves, front & back. Is there a way in Zephyr, or other software, where I can invert the object to get a 'female' mould, so the raised bits are dips and vica-versa?
  • cam3d
    • Sep 2017
    • 686

    Hi olbas - Welcome!

    To answer your questions:

    1 - If you are using either 3DF Zephyr Free or LITE you will need to do the scaling in an external program like Meshmixer. https://www.instructables.com/id/Mes...caling-Models/ - Alternatively you can set the scale by control points in PRO or AERIAL - https://www.3dflow.net/technology/do...es-3df-zephyr/

    2 - Creating a negative shape will most likely require a boolean operation with a defined print shape (Box or whatever) - Boolean operation can be performed in Meshmixer, Blender, Maya and many other 3D editing applications. At this point, you can't do this in 3DF Zephyr.

    Let me know if you get stuck along the way - Happy to help!


    • MarkKara
      Blossoming 3Dflower
      • Nov 2019
      • 2

      I am new here, I met the same questions, thanks for your detail reply that helps me a lot.


      • cam3d
        • Sep 2017
        • 686

        MarkKara - No worries - If you have any additional specific questions please let me know and I'll fill in the blanks for you.

