3DF Scarlet: registering 2 arbitrary pointclouds

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  • josua
    • May 2020
    • 24

    3DF Scarlet: registering 2 arbitrary pointclouds

    I just found 3DF Scarlet and I thought that it is the perfect tool for registering 2 dense pointclouds (pos, col, normals) with arbitrary orientation.
    The 2 pointclouds are coming from 2 different scans of an object on a table, in one of them the object was turned turned upside down to capture all sides of the object. All points that are not part of the pointclouds (e.g. the table) were cut away prior to exporting the pointclouds as ply files.

    Using 3DF Scarlete, I imported the 2 ply files, then I first tried the automatic registration - which fails (not a surprise, as the 2 pointclouds have a completely different orientation).

    Next, I tried to proceed with the Transform Tools. I achieved to register them, but as soon as I finished the process and close the Transform Tools window, the visibility of the objects in the main render window is gone (I only have a black screen) - am I understanding something wrong here or is this is a bug?

    My next question would then be how to export the registered group as one combined mesh (e.g. in one ply file)?
  • Andrea Alessi
    3Dflow Staff
    • Oct 2013
    • 1335

    Scarlet should be used for registration of dense cloud coming from laser scanners.

    Doing what you are doing with scarlet won't allow you to reconstruct a mesh as you will have a single dense cloud but no camera information, as you will need to bring back that cloud into zephyr for mesh generation.

    I am not sure what you mean with the black screen, could you post a screenshot please? thank you!


    • josua
      • May 2020
      • 24




      • josua
        • May 2020
        • 24

        Originally posted by Andrea Alessi
        Doing what you are doing with scarlet won't allow you to reconstruct a mesh as you will have a single dense cloud but no camera information, as you will need to bring back that cloud into zephyr for mesh generation.
        I am fully aware of that. Don't be surprised about my experiments. I am both, a naive dummy user and learner, but also a eager to try out everything. So I wanted to just try the registration of 2 dense pointclouds (made with 3d zephyr) of the same object to try scarlet. Then I bumped into the issues and considered it my duty as a betatester to report my findings.

