We have multiple unstructured point clouds from LiDAR scans in PLY format that need to be aligned prior to re-construction with a photogrammetry workspace. We tried 3DF Zephyr for point cloud generation from images, but it has not performed as consistently as laser scans. The problem we have now is it is not possible to course align multiple laser scans without considerable frustration. As soon as a point cloud is selected for translation / rotation, all other activated clouds are de-activated and hidden, making it impossible to align two or more at once. So for every single transformation, we have to manually re-select the dense point clouds in the list. 3DF isolates clouds during transformation (which is counter-intuitive). This is highly inefficient with even just 10 clouds. Some of our site scans can reach 100 laser scans --- and the prospect of going through that list to find the right clouds for alignment every, single time makes this a no-go for us. Has anyone found a workaround for this --- or does 3dFlow have any updates coming that will allow easy, painless alignment of multiple clouds? As it is, this is not usable.
Is there any way to disable auto-hiding of point clouds during course registration?