the Beta for the upcoming 3.300 release is ready
If you already have a beta key, you're already set. If you don't, and would like to help us in betatesting 3.300, please post here or contact us directly via email.
v.3228-3229 changelog
v.3227 changelog
v.3225 changelog
v3.222 changelog
If you already have a beta key, you're already set. If you don't, and would like to help us in betatesting 3.300, please post here or contact us directly via email.
v.3228-3229 changelog
- Final bug fixes and translations updates
v.3227 changelog
- Improved bundle adjustment during workspaces merge with control points
- Improved optimize camera parameters and alignment to control points worflows on failure (problematic cameras are now detected and can be removed from the dialog).
- You can now define the up vector by choosing at least three control points (without know 3D coordinates).
- Rematching can now be cancelled or paused during bundle adjustment and alignment steps.
- Zephyr can now be deactivated also if you are offline.
- Added hint when adding control points with 3D coordinates but without any 2D coordinates.
- Several minor bug fixes, thanks for the feedback!
v.3225 changelog
- Stereo improvements and preset balancing
- Photconsistency mesh optimization speed improvements
- Improved point cloud structuring and mesh computation for laser scan point cloud.
- Selection tools improvements
- Camera positions can now be added as control points
- Stereo texture can now been unstructured
- Added image overlap in the processing report
- Gizmo can now move entire objects only in rendering
- Added chinese language support (beta)
- Several bug fixes
v3.222 changelog
- Sparse point cloud generation improvements ( rematching accuracy improved )
- Stereo point cloud generation improvements ( speed and accuracy )
- Fixed a bug during mesh generation (small parts are reconstructed better now)
- Fixed a bug in stereo point cloud generation
- Improved sketchfab upload Improved cloud comparison tool
- Log and System info are now available as separate window from the progress bar
- added mesh filtering on selection (laplacian, bilateral, retopology)
- added triangle selection filtering by connected components
- elements name are now customizable (i.e. create a control point with "CP" label rather than "Control Point")
- Added virtual line from control point to point
- Added clear cache button and additional memory checks
- Update Ogre Engine
- Added option to toggle rendering "fog"
- Impoved rematching phase
- miscellaneous bug fixes