Reconstruction Failed

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  • Preachermeat
    Blossoming 3Dflower
    • Feb 2021
    • 1

    Reconstruction Failed

    So I'm trying to render a model I have. Took lots of pictures in a carousel style, the pictures don't look fuzzy or anything, but I get Reconstruction Failed, no matter what settings I choose or how many pictures I attach. What'm I doing wrong here? linked all the pics and masks on my gdrive, as well as the renderer log.
  • CBY
    • Feb 2021
    • 9

    Hi Preachermeat,

    I am new with this software, but I succeed to get good results. I use a FUJI XE1 with good lens.

    If you check the quality of your photos: Utilities->Images->Image Quality Index Utility
    The quality is very low and the sensor size is not detected: N/A... means Non Applicable.

    I look at the properties of your photos with Photoshop:

    . you use a mobile phone Motorola (moto e5 supra) with a very small sensor.
    . the aperture is f 2.0 which is to high to give a good depth of focus. Use f 8, f11
    . shutter speed: 1/30 you have to use a tripod.

    Sorry, I guess there is a problem of quality and you have to use a camera not a mobile phone. But your process seems right.

    An expert could give an advise and confirm.


    • cam3d
      • Sep 2017
      • 682

      Hi Preachermeat & CBY

      CBY is correct about the quality evaluation of your photos.

      It looks like you're taking your images inside in relatively low light conditions, which means your camera (phone camera or otherwise) will need to accommodate this with non-ideal settings.

      Camera phones are generally a single F/stop so this is not likely to be something you can adjust. Ideally, you would be using a DSLR for full control over your settings.

      Additionally, your subject doesn't have many distinguishable feature points on the surface (smooth plastic), which makes this kind of subject especially hard to capture unless you lightly dust it with talcum or something similar to add feature points which Zephyr can use to orient camera positions and reconstruct a 3D surface.

      - Using manual settings is the best way to ensure you're getting consistent input data. As a set of general rules: you want your ISO to be low, your F/Stop to be high, and your shutterspeed to be high if you're shooting handheld. Using a tripod will ease up the shutter speed variable and allow you to lower your ISO and increase your F/Stop while minimising the risk of motion blur through shaky hands.

      - Taking photographs indoors is only really recommended with a tripod or bright lights, and if you don't have these, I'd highly recommend shooting outside on a bright yet overcast day where the sunlight is diffused through cloud and illuminates your subject evenly. The bright light of the sun is easier on your camera sensor and will net you better results faster than a low light interior.

      Seeing as you're just starting out, I'd recommend an easier subject to practice on, such as a rock or a tree stump.

      Here are our tutorials (and documentation) if you haven't already seen them:

      I hope this was helpful! Let me know if there is anything you're having trouble with which isn't covered by our resources - Happy to help problem-solve :-)

