I can calculate the conversion factor (CF) to estimate real value of object height (CF= real length of a reference (cm)/reference length measured by 3d zephyr) and then "Height an object (cm)=CF* object height measured by 3d zephyr". However, I want to calibrate the area and volume measured by 3d zephyr to get the real area and volume of the object (cm2,cm3).How can I do that?
Thank you,
I can calculate the conversion factor (CF) to estimate real value of object height (CF= real length of a reference (cm)/reference length measured by 3d zephyr) and then "Height an object (cm)=CF* object height measured by 3d zephyr". However, I want to calibrate the area and volume measured by 3d zephyr to get the real area and volume of the object (cm2,cm3).How can I do that?
Thank you,