Point cloud to Mesh, not doing great :(

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  • Beejung
    • Apr 2023
    • 4


    Point cloud to Mesh, not doing great :(

    Hello, my name is Bee and I have been using Zephyr 3DF for the past few months to create 3d models of insects.

    Unfortunately, I am struggling in generating a good mesh for many of the insects, including a cicada.
    My point cloud generally gives a very good replica of the insects, but when it comes to meshing, I am producing a mesh with a lot of holes.

    I have tried various ways in addressing this issue (especially in varying a lot of the parameters using the `custom' setting). But unfortunately, I am still stuck with the holes on the wing.
    Would it be possible for you to share insight as to where the problem is arising from?

    My speculations are: 1) It's the fact that the Cicada wing is too thin .... 2) meshing algorithm is not able to handle the thiness of the wing. 3) There are not enough points on the white parts of the wing...
    Please let me know what you guys think!

    From Bee

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  • cam3d
    • Sep 2017
    • 686

    Hi Beejung

    Looks like it's simply the thin nature of insect wings - Under custom settings in mesh generation you can change the 'Thickness' variable.

    Optimizing Thin Meshes   Welcome to the 3DF Zephyr tutorial series. In this recipe, you will learn how to optimize the 3DF Zephyr settings for difficult subject with a thin geometry, such as leaves and other similar surfaces.   Introduction Depending on the … Read More

    Hope this helps! Let us now how you go :-)

    Best regards,

