ICP challenges

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  • Craig
    • Oct 2022
    • 7


    ICP challenges


    I am working on a trail in the woods. I am trying to register the ground extracted from a dense point cloud created via photos in 3DFZ with the ground extracted from a FARO lidar scanner of the same location. The lidar version of the point cloud covers a larger area but both contain an elevated wooden walkway that is 10 m long, and which is the dominant man-made structure in the scene. I have carefully manually aligned the two using the gizmo and I have them so that the structured objects would need to move no more than +/- 1 to 5 cm to get a good alignment.

    I then run the ICP registration as per this article How can I register a laser scanned point cloud? : 3DF Zephyr Support. I checked the option to scale the structured objects to match the lidar cloud.

    When I do that, it moves the structured objects about 2 m (instead of the needed <5 cm) and gets the registration completely wrong.
    1. Is there a way to constrain the registration to have specific limits on translation in each direction and rotation about each axis? If not, can that become a feature request?
    2. Are there any suggestions for how to get this to work better today? I'd rather not rely on my manually placement alone, but I cannot get the fine ICP to give any kind of reasonable result.

    Thanks, Craig
  • cam3d
    • Sep 2017
    • 686

    Hi Craig - Without seeing your specific data and .ZEP project, it's hard to determine the cause of this mis-alignment. Can you please package up and send us the project and corresponding files so we can troubleshoot for you? Download links can be sent to us privately through support@3dflow.net

    Two useful tutorial links:

    Welcome to the 3DF Zephyr tutorial series. The following tutorial will focus on how to deal with LiDAR data in 3DF Zephyr, including laser scan registration and integration between LiDAR and photogrammetry data. This tutorial cannot be completed with 3DF … Read More

