I took 9 pix of a pen at various angles on a brown table. 3DF Zephyr created a lot of brown dots in a flat shape. Clearly I'm doing everything wrong.
Tried to Create a 3D Pen. Instead Got 3D Table?
the subject is supposed to never change position. Zephyr looks for similar pixels in the images and can't know if you want to reconstruct the table or the pen.
Either move your camera around the subject, or use masking, see the tutorial here
Using the masking Tools Welcome to the 3DF Zephyr tutorial series. This tutorial explains how to automatically create masks in Zephyr and use the 3DF Masquerade tools for image masking. The tool is available in all versions of 3DF … Read More
Also keep in mind a pen is not the easiest subject to reconstruct due to its shiny/uniform surface type. Very doable, but you probably want to start with an easier subject as you learn. You can find our tutorials here https://www.3dflow.net/technology/do...hyr-tutorials/