import mesh and make structured

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  • robert langh
    • Jun 2021
    • 33


    import mesh and make structured


    Is it still possible with the new update, to edit the exported mesh in Meshlab,
    and import back for texturing?
    The import shows nothing in Zephyr, and the "make structured" gives an error message...
    I export it in .ply, .obj, but cannot re-import them, as in the earlyer version..

    thanks, robert
  • Andrea Alessi
    3Dflow Staff
    • Oct 2013
    • 1364

    Hi Robert,

    yes, the "import mesh with UV map" function is still available, nothing has changed. What do you mean exactly with "the import shows nothing in zephyr"?

    Which error are you getting during make structured?

    Can you post a couple of screnshots maybe? I'm having a bit of troubles understanding your issue, sorry!


    • robert langh
      • Jun 2021
      • 33

      Hi Andrea!

      Sorry for my english, I have a problem, when I export a not textured mesh, to meshlab, where I make some repairing,
      and import back the .ply or obj,
      the name of the unstructured mesh appears, but nothing can be seen on the stage,
      and when I click make it structured, this error happens:

      "some objects were not structured, because an error occured
      check the log for more information"

      [17:04:57] SysInfo | Cpu: 2.53 %; Disk (U/T): 172198/487395 MB (315197 MB free, 35.33 % used); Memory (U/T): 1161/65368 MB (58245 MB free, 1.78 % used)
      [17:06:57] SysInfo | Cpu: 1.05 %; Disk (U/T): 172463/487395 MB (314932 MB free, 35.38 % used); Memory (U/T): 1160/65368 MB (58363 MB free, 1.77 % used)
      [17:07:23] Computing visibility...
      [17:07:23] Computing clusters...
      [17:07:23] Retrieving cluster 1...
      [17:07:23] Preparing camera 'image00001.jpeg'
      [17:07:23] Preparing camera 'image00002.jpeg'
      [17:07:23] Preparing camera 'image00003.jpeg'
      7:23] Preparing camera 'image00344.jpeg'
      [17:07:23] Preparing camera 'image00347.jpeg'
      [17:07:23] Preparing camera 'image00348.jpeg'
      [17:07:23] [CUDA 0] Computing visibility for camera 'image00001.jpeg'
      [17:07:23] [CUDA 0] Computing visibility for camera 'image00002.jpeg'
      [17:07:23] [CUDA 0] Computing visibility for camera 'image00003.jpeg'
      [17:07:23] [CUDA 0] Computing visibility for camera 'image00004.jpeg'
      [17:07:26] [CUDA 0] Computing visibility for camera 'image00343.jpeg'
      [17:07:26] [CUDA 0] Computing visibility for camera 'image00344.jpeg'
      [17:07:26] [CUDA 0] Computing visibility for camera 'image00347.jpeg'
      [17:07:26] [CUDA 0] Computing visibility for camera 'image00348.jpeg'
      [17:07:26] Visibility computation done.
      [17:07:26] Memory used : 1162 MB (Free 58413 MB / Total 65368 MB)
      [17:07:26] Compressing visibility...
      [17:07:26] Done.

      ...I used to do this in the past, with no problem ..

      thanks, r


      • Andrea Alessi
        3Dflow Staff
        • Oct 2013
        • 1364

        Can you please share the full log please? ( you can find hte .flog files directory from the settings).

        Make sure that the mesh hasn't been saved in a different reference system, as that will make it impossible for the structuring to work. Most of hte times the issue is with a georeferenced mesh being save non-georeferenced, or moved in the scene.


        • robert langh
          • Jun 2021
          • 33

          yes, it was georeferenced, as You write it!
          so it will be not possible edit outside of Zephyr?
          Im sending the .flog file, anyway,



          • Andrea Alessi
            3Dflow Staff
            • Oct 2013
            • 1364

            Hi Robert,

            it's likely that whatever you're doing outside of zephyr is removing or changing the coordinates of the model. Make sure this isn't the case, but I think that's what happened - in that case then it's perfectly normal that the retexurization fails beacuse your object is now in a completely different world position and thus all cameras are failing to reproject.

            Do you need the model to be georeferenced? If so, make sure the third party software supports double precision data, or it won't work.

            If you don't need georeferencing, or if the third party software doesn't support it, you can consider resetting the workspace to a local coordinate system by clicking normalize in the gizmo.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	26
Size:	25.7 KB
ID:	9866


            • robert langh
              • Jun 2021
              • 33

              Hi Andrea,

              I understand,
              I dont use georeferences usually, but this time one student in school made some photos about an old monastery,
              which was not enough for the good SFM structure, and we wanted to give a flat ground at least,
              in meshlab, and reimport for the texturing,
              so it was just an idea for saving a poor database, but it will be re-captured in the future better without geolocation!
              Thanks a lot, robert


              • Andrea Alessi
                3Dflow Staff
                • Oct 2013
                • 1364

                You can of course keep the geolocation on, but you must also make sure that the third party software you use supports double precision. Zephyr does support it, but not all software out there does. In any case, simply normalize your workspace after reconstruction if that's the case! happy to help!

