Good evening,
It seems that the standard introduction to this forum is to say that one is new to Zephyr. That is true, put aside the fact that I have been trying to scan a small object for the last three weeks without any success (not at all, nothing, nada, zero !).
I read a lot and finally found the forensinc case study which looks pretty much like what I am trying to do. I copied their targets as they looked more clever than mine, but again with no avail : Zephyr ignores my item. It reproduces correcty the surroundings, but not the item.
I usually shoot 24 images with a K-5 IIs and a 100mm lens at 100 ISO and F32 on a tripod. I produce 16Mo jpgs without compression, strait from the camera, no LightRoom, nothing. Typical image appended. I understood that my item texture is quite plain, and tried to improve it by adding stips on it, but it did not work either.
What am I doing wrong ?
Thanks by advance,
It seems that the standard introduction to this forum is to say that one is new to Zephyr. That is true, put aside the fact that I have been trying to scan a small object for the last three weeks without any success (not at all, nothing, nada, zero !).
I read a lot and finally found the forensinc case study which looks pretty much like what I am trying to do. I copied their targets as they looked more clever than mine, but again with no avail : Zephyr ignores my item. It reproduces correcty the surroundings, but not the item.
I usually shoot 24 images with a K-5 IIs and a 100mm lens at 100 ISO and F32 on a tripod. I produce 16Mo jpgs without compression, strait from the camera, no LightRoom, nothing. Typical image appended. I understood that my item texture is quite plain, and tried to improve it by adding stips on it, but it did not work either.
What am I doing wrong ?
Thanks by advance,