Join the 3DF Zephyr 5.0 beta test!

posted in: News

3DF Zephyr 5.0, codename Dragonfruit, is almost ready for testing! The beta test will start Tuesday, May 19th, 2020.

While the stable release is still a few weeks out (hopefully no longer than a month) this is an important – and required – milestone in the development process.

Interested in helping us in the development? Then read below!

What’s in the beta?

What’s new in Dragonfruit? We have covered it before in the following development status articles:

The current beta includes all of these improvements and, while it is not representative of the final product many of these new features/improvements are ready for testing.

Please note that currently the manuals, as well as the translations of the different languages, may not be completely up to date.

How can I get the beta?

We are looking for people willing to try out the new version with real world datasets, so we can find (and fix!) potential problems. Again, please note that the beta version is not representative of the final product and may contain bugs which could potentially make you lose your work – do not use this in production environments!

If that does not scare you, you can already request access 3Dflow account page: you will have to fill in a very short form in order to get your personal own beta key. Entries will be manually verified, and on Tuesday, May 19th, 2020, you will be able to download the beta directly from your 3Dflow account page.

Please note beta keys from previous beta events are no longer valid and you will need to generate a new one.