3DF Zephyr, 3DF Zephyr Education and 3DF Zephyr Lite editions require online activation (3DF Zephyr Lite Steam Edition will work through the Steam Application by Valve and does not require a product key).
The product keys are supplied by email at the moment of purchase. If you lost your product key, please get in touch with our technical support so that we can resolve your issue.
You can activate your software license on the first run.
The activation process will bind the product key to the computer. The activation is per-machine, and not per-user.
You can activate your key on as many computer as you need, as the license is floating: upon startup and shutdown, Zephyr will obtain and release a lease so you can safely install and use Zephyr on multiple machines within your organizations. An internet connection is required.
If you have problems regarding online activation or deactivation, please email - a manual offline activation process can also be issued in special cases.