These functions are not available in 3DF Zephyr Lite and 3DF Zephyr Free.

You can generate surfaces manually using control points or by using our blueprint generation method.

Blueprint generation

This function can work on either structured or unstructured dense point clouds. All you need to do is confirm the automatically detected floor and ceiling planes and select the extraction method (interiors or exteriors).

You can also set the Epsilon (point to plane distance - points further from this value will not be considered belonging to the plane) and fusion factor (controls how segments are generated, a higher value will yield a longer segment and less gaps) if you need further control on the generation method.

Click "Compute" to start the process. When done, blueprints (polylines) and surfaces (surfaces) can be added in the workspace by clicking "Save to Workspace". All elements can be found under the Drawing Elements Section.

Make surface from control points

Surfaces can be generated by selecting control points. Simply select and add the desired control points to the shape and click "OK" when ready.

Spot Height Map

This tool allows to create spot height maps on dense point clouds or meshes either using the GCPs you have already placed or picking new control points.

All the control points you pick or take into account will display their elevation value instead of the GCP name, and a new surface will be drawn while picking/importing the control points. You can change the surface color map as well as the size of the height values. Once you click the OK button, you will generate both a new mesh and a group of new vertices that will be listed in the Drawing Element section of the Project panel.