The "File" menu
The "File" menu manages the opening and saving of Zephyr project files, as well as few other functions.
In addition to the self-explanatory open/save, other functions are:
Load Model
This function allows loading of a model into Zephyr to use it as a viewer. Loading a model will force the current workspace to be closed. The following file formats are supported:
- ply
- las
- ptx
- obj
- e57
- collada (xml, dae)
- pts
- xyz
- rcp
- fls, fws (Faro)
- zfs (Z+F)
- dp (Dot Product)
- rdbx (RIEGL)
Please note that the Faro, RIEGL, DotProduct and Z+F require the installation of additional plugins available for free at the URL
Load 3DK file
3DK files are Zephyr compatible projects made with the 3Dflow's SDK FlowEngine (