28 class SparsePointCloudInterface;
29 class CameraInterface;
Definition: CommonDef.h:32
An oriented bounding box.
Definition: BoundingBoxInterface.h:35
virtual FLE_DLL void getTranslation(Point3 &outTranslation) const =0
virtual FLE_DLL void setOrientation(const Quaternion &orientation)=0
virtual FLE_DLL void setHalfSize(const Point3 &halfSize)=0
virtual FLE_DLL Result exportToXml(ConstStringBuffer filePath) const =0
virtual FLE_DLL Result computeFromPoints(const SparsePointCloudInterface &pointCloud, bool useOutlierRejection, float additionalExpansionPerc=0.03f)=0
virtual FLE_DLL void setTranslation(const Point3 &translation)=0
virtual FLE_DLL ~BoundingBoxInterface()=default
Default virtual destructor.
virtual FLE_DLL Result computeFromCameras(const SparsePointCloudInterface &pointCloud, Buffer< CameraInterface * > inCameras, float additionalExpansionPerc=0.1f)=0
virtual FLE_DLL Result importFromXml(ConstStringBuffer filePath)=0
virtual FLE_DLL void getHalfSize(Point3 &outHalfSize) const =0
virtual FLE_DLL void getOrientation(Quaternion &outOrientation) const =0
Stores a PointCloud object.
Definition: SparsePointCloudInterface.h:36
Definition: BoundingBoxInterface.cpp:26
void DestroyBoundingBox(BoundingBoxInterface *boundingBox)
Definition: BoundingBoxInterface.cpp:32
BoundingBoxInterface * CreateBoundingBox()
Definition: BoundingBoxInterface.cpp:27
Enumerates possible results generated by FlowEngine.
Definition: CommonDef.h:45
Holds a (mutable) non_owning pointer and a size Used to marshal memory buffers as arguments in a safe...
Definition: CommonDef.h:118
Specialization for a const buffer characters.
Definition: CommonDef.h:296
a three dimensional point
Definition: CommonDef.h:375
a Quaternion Holds an axis and an angle
Definition: CommonDef.h:467