FlowEngine 7.530
Photogrammetry Software Development Kit
No Matches
FlowEngine Namespace Reference


namespace  Private


class  BoundingBoxInterface
 An oriented bounding box. More...
struct  Buffer
 Holds a (mutable) non_owning pointer and a size Used to marshal memory buffers as arguments in a safely manner. More...
struct  Buffer< char >
 Specialization for a Buffer of characters. More...
struct  Buffer< T * >
 Buffer specialization for FlowEngine object classes. More...
class  CameraCalibrationInterface
 Stores a camera calibration. More...
class  CameraConstraintInterface
 Stores a 3d camera constraint. More...
class  CameraInterface
 Stores a camera object to feed the Structure from Motion parameters. More...
class  CamerasLoaderInterface
 Utility class to load and setup cameras from a specific folder. More...
struct  Color
 a packed RGB color More...
struct  ConstBuffer
 Holds a (non mutable) non_owning pointer and a count Used to marshal memory buffers as arguments in a safely manner. More...
struct  ConstBuffer< char >
 Specialization for a const buffer characters. More...
struct  ConstBuffer< T * >
 ConstBuffer specialization for FlowEngine object classes. More...
class  ControlPointConstraintInterface
 Stores a ground control point constraint with image projections and 3D constraint. More...
struct  CudaDeviceInfo
 Basic information about a CUDA-enabled device. More...
struct  DateTime
 Represents a moment in time. More...
class  DynamicBufferInterface
 Dynamic memory buffer utility used to marshall variable amount of data. More...
class  Equirectangular
 Utility class to generate equirectangular-projection images and decompose them. More...
class  FlowEngineInterface
 FlowEngine main computation interface. More...
struct  Image
 a Quaternion Holds information about a raw image Data is not owned More...
class  ImageIO
 Utility methods related to image files. More...
class  LicenseInfoInterface
 Holds information about the currently active license and its leases. More...
class  LicenseManager
 Handles licensing. More...
class  LogListenerInterface
 Pure virtual Log Listener interface. More...
struct  LogListenerOStream
 Simple log listener class. More...
class  MarkerPrinter
 Utility class to query information and generate tag images to use for marker detection. More...
class  NamedObjectInterface
 Interface for all FlowEngine objects with an editable name. More...
struct  Normal
 a normal More...
class  OrthophotoInterface
 Hold an Orthophoto object. More...
struct  Pair
 Bound 2 values together. More...
struct  Point2
 a 2 dimensional point More...
struct  Point3
 a three dimensional point More...
struct  PointColor32
 a floating-point color More...
struct  ProgressBarEmpty
 Simple/Empty progress bar class. More...
class  ProgressBarInterface
 Pure virtual Progress Bar interface. More...
class  ProjectedCoordinateSystemDB
 Utility class that supplies a database of Projected Coordinate Systems. More...
class  ProjectedCoordinateSystemInterface
 Represents a Projected Coordinate System (PCS). More...
struct  Quaternion
 a Quaternion Holds an axis and an angle More...
class  SettingsInterface
 Stores the processing settings. More...
class  SettingsManager
 Utility class to work with settings. More...
class  SparsePointCloudInterface
 Stores a PointCloud object. More...
class  StereoMeshInterface
 Stores a simple stereo mesh object for the FlowEngine interface. More...
class  StereoPointCloudInterface
 Stores a simple Dense Point Cloud object for the FlowEngine interface. More...
class  StereoTexturedMeshInterface
 Stores a simple textured mesh object for the FlowEngine interface. More...
struct  TexCoords
 a texture coordinate Holds a couple of floats representing texture coordinates More...
struct  Triangle
 a triangle. Holds 3 indexes to points. Triangles are specified in counter-clockwise order More...
struct  Version
 Represents a version in the major.minor categories format. More...
class  WorkspaceLoaderInterface
 Utility class to load objects from ".3dk" binary files that can be saved using the WorkspaceSaverInterface. More...
class  WorkspaceSaverInterface
 Utility class to save output objects as .3dk binary files that can be opened by 3DF Zephyr gui. More...


using Index = std::ptrdiff_t
 Index type.
using Size = std::size_t
 Size type.
using ColorComponent = std::uint8_t
 Color component (8 bits) type.
using ColorComponent32 = float
 Color component (32 bits) type.
using ReconstructionID = unsigned int
 Unique identification number in a group of cameras.
using StringBuffer = Buffer< char >
 Buffer of chars to store strings.
using ConstStringBuffer = ConstBuffer< char >
 ConstBuffer of chars to store strings.
using Color32 = PointColor32
 a floating point color with 3 components
using UniqueFlowEnginePtr = Detail::UniquePtr< FlowEngineInterface >
 Automatically manages the lifetime of a FlowEngine object.
using UniqueCameraPtr = Detail::UniquePtr< CameraInterface >
 Automatically manages the lifetime of a Camera object.
using UniqueCameraCalibrationPtr = Detail::UniquePtr< CameraCalibrationInterface >
 Automatically manages the lifetime of a Camera calibration object.
using UniqueCamerasLoaderPtr = Detail::UniquePtr< CamerasLoaderInterface >
 Automatically manages the lifetime of a CamerasLoader object.
using UniqueSparsePointCloudPtr = Detail::UniquePtr< SparsePointCloudInterface >
 Automatically manages the lifetime of a Sparse Point Cloud object.
using UniqueStereoPointCloudPtr = Detail::UniquePtr< StereoPointCloudInterface >
 Automatically manages the lifetime of a Stereo Point cloud object.
using UniqueStereoMeshPtr = Detail::UniquePtr< StereoMeshInterface >
 Automatically manages the lifetime of a Stereo mesh object.
using UniqueStereoTexturedMeshPtr = Detail::UniquePtr< StereoTexturedMeshInterface >
 Automatically manages the lifetime of a Stereo textured mesh object.
using UniqueSettingsPtr = Detail::UniquePtr< SettingsInterface >
 Automatically manages the lifetime of a Settings object.
using UniqueBoundingBoxPtr = Detail::UniquePtr< BoundingBoxInterface >
 Automatically manages the lifetime of a Bounding box object.
using UniqueWorkspaceSaverPtr = Detail::UniquePtr< WorkspaceSaverInterface >
 Automatically manages the lifetime of a Workspace Saver object.
using UniqueWorkspaceLoaderPtr = Detail::UniquePtr< WorkspaceLoaderInterface >
 Automatically manages the lifetime of a Workspace Loader object.
using UniqueControlPointConstraintPtr = Detail::UniquePtr< ControlPointConstraintInterface >
 Automatically manages the lifetime of a Control Point Constraint object.
using UniqueOrthophotoPtr = Detail::UniquePtr< OrthophotoInterface >
 Automatically manages the lifetime of a Orthophoto object.
using UniqueProjectedCoordinateSystemPtr = Detail::UniquePtr< ProjectedCoordinateSystemInterface >
 Automatically manages the lifetime of a ProjectedCoordinateSystem object.
using UniqueCameraConstraintPtr = Detail::UniquePtr< CameraConstraintInterface >
 Automatically manages the lifetime of a CameraConstraint object.
using UniqueDynamicBufferPtr = Detail::UniquePtr< DynamicBufferInterface >
 Automatically manages the lifetime of a DynamicBuffer object.
using UniqueLicenseInfoPtr = Detail::UniquePtr< LicenseInfoInterface >
 Automatically manages the lifetime of a LicenseInfo object.


enum class  Result : std::size_t {
  Success = 0 , FeatureNotAvailable , GenericError , InvalidArgument ,
  FileNotFound , BufferTooSmall , GenericIOError , ProcessNotRunning ,
  NewVersionAvailable , OutOfMemoryError , DiskWriteError , PreconditionNotMet ,
  UnsupportedVersion , LicenseCheckFailed
 Enumerates possible results generated by FlowEngine. More...
enum class  StandardAxis { X , Y , Z }
 enumerates the standard axes More...
enum class  ImagingEngine { Automatic , ImageMagick }
 The imaging engine used to read images from mass storage. More...
enum class  LicenseResult : std::uint64_t {
  Success = 0x00000000L , GenericError = 0x00000001L , InvalidProductKey = 0x00000002L , ProductNotActivated = 0x00000003L ,
  ConnectionFailed = 0x00000004L , LicenseInUse = 0x00000005L , LicenseRevoked = 0x00000006L , TrialAlreadyUsed = 0x0000000CL ,
  LicenseExpired = 0x0000000DL , Permissions = 0x0000000FL , NoMoreDeactivations = 0x00000018L , AlreadyActivated = 0x0000001AL ,
  TrialExpired = 0x0000001EL , InvalidArgument = 0x00001000L , InternalError = 0x00001001L , Unsupported = 0x00001002L
enum class  LogType { Normal , Warning , Error , Info }
 Enumerates the possible types of a log. More...


BoundingBoxInterfaceCreateBoundingBox ()
void DestroyBoundingBox (BoundingBoxInterface *boundingBox)
CameraCalibrationInterfaceCreateCameraCalibration ()
void DestroyCameraCalibration (CameraCalibrationInterface *cameraCalibration)
CameraConstraintInterfaceCreateCameraConstraint ()
void DestroyCameraConstraint (CameraConstraintInterface *cameraConstraint)
CameraInterfaceCreateCamera ()
void DestroyCamera (CameraInterface *camera)
CamerasLoaderInterfaceCreateCamerasLoader ()
void DestroyCamerasLoader (CamerasLoaderInterface *CamerasLoader)
ControlPointConstraintInterfaceCreateControlPointConstraint ()
void DestroyControlPointConstraint (ControlPointConstraintInterface *controlPoint)
DynamicBufferInterfaceCreateDynamicBuffer ()
void DestroyDynamicBuffer (DynamicBufferInterface *buf)
FLE_DLL FlowEngineInterfaceCreateFlowEngine ()
FLE_DLL void DestroyFlowEngineObject (FlowEngineInterface *flowEngine)
FLE_DLL void DestroyFlowEngine (FlowEngineInterface *flowEngine)
LicenseInfoInterfaceCreateLicenseInfo ()
void DestroyLicenseInfo (LicenseInfoInterface *buf)
OrthophotoInterfaceCreateOrthophoto ()
void DestroyOrthophoto (OrthophotoInterface *orthophoto)
ProjectedCoordinateSystemInterfaceCreateProjectedCoordinateSystem ()
void DestroyProjectedCoordinateSystem (ProjectedCoordinateSystemInterface *pcs)
SettingsInterfaceCreateSettings ()
void DestroySettings (SettingsInterface *settings)
SparsePointCloudInterfaceCreateSparsePointCloud ()
void DestroySparsePointCloud (SparsePointCloudInterface *boundingBox)
StereoMeshInterfaceCreateStereoMesh ()
void DestroyStereoMesh (StereoMeshInterface *stereoMesh)
StereoPointCloudInterfaceCreateStereoPointCloud ()
void DestroyStereoPointCloud (StereoPointCloudInterface *stereoPointCloud)
StereoTexturedMeshInterfaceCreateStereoTexturedMesh ()
void DestroyStereoTexturedMesh (StereoTexturedMeshInterface *stereoTexturedMesh)
const char * GetResultMessage (Result inResult)
Result SampleEpipolarLine (const CameraInterface &referenceCamera, const Point2 &referencePoint, const CameraInterface &targetCamera, int sampleCount, Buffer< Point2 > inOutPoints)
Result ComputeCamerasRating (Buffer< CameraInterface * > cameras, Buffer< Pair< CameraInterface *, Point2 > > selectedPoints, Buffer< int > inOutRatings)
 Compute camera ratings based on point visibility.
WorkspaceLoaderInterfaceCreateWorkspaceLoader ()
void DestroyWorkspaceLoader (WorkspaceLoaderInterface *workspaceLoader)
WorkspaceSaverInterfaceCreateWorkspaceSaver ()
void DestroyWorkspaceSaver (WorkspaceSaverInterface *workspaceSaver)

Typedef Documentation

◆ Color32

a floating point color with 3 components

◆ ColorComponent

using FlowEngine::ColorComponent = typedef std::uint8_t

Color component (8 bits) type.

◆ ColorComponent32

using FlowEngine::ColorComponent32 = typedef float

Color component (32 bits) type.

◆ ConstStringBuffer

using FlowEngine::ConstStringBuffer = typedef ConstBuffer< char >

ConstBuffer of chars to store strings.

◆ Index

using FlowEngine::Index = typedef std::ptrdiff_t

Index type.

◆ ReconstructionID

using FlowEngine::ReconstructionID = typedef unsigned int

Unique identification number in a group of cameras.

◆ Size

using FlowEngine::Size = typedef std::size_t

Size type.

◆ StringBuffer

using FlowEngine::StringBuffer = typedef Buffer< char >

Buffer of chars to store strings.

◆ UniqueBoundingBoxPtr

using FlowEngine::UniqueBoundingBoxPtr = typedef Detail::UniquePtr< BoundingBoxInterface >

Automatically manages the lifetime of a Bounding box object.

◆ UniqueCameraCalibrationPtr

Automatically manages the lifetime of a Camera calibration object.

◆ UniqueCameraConstraintPtr

Automatically manages the lifetime of a CameraConstraint object.

◆ UniqueCameraPtr

using FlowEngine::UniqueCameraPtr = typedef Detail::UniquePtr< CameraInterface >

Automatically manages the lifetime of a Camera object.

◆ UniqueCamerasLoaderPtr

using FlowEngine::UniqueCamerasLoaderPtr = typedef Detail::UniquePtr< CamerasLoaderInterface >

Automatically manages the lifetime of a CamerasLoader object.

◆ UniqueControlPointConstraintPtr

Automatically manages the lifetime of a Control Point Constraint object.

◆ UniqueDynamicBufferPtr

using FlowEngine::UniqueDynamicBufferPtr = typedef Detail::UniquePtr< DynamicBufferInterface >

Automatically manages the lifetime of a DynamicBuffer object.

◆ UniqueFlowEnginePtr

using FlowEngine::UniqueFlowEnginePtr = typedef Detail::UniquePtr< FlowEngineInterface >

Automatically manages the lifetime of a FlowEngine object.

◆ UniqueLicenseInfoPtr

using FlowEngine::UniqueLicenseInfoPtr = typedef Detail::UniquePtr< LicenseInfoInterface >

Automatically manages the lifetime of a LicenseInfo object.

◆ UniqueOrthophotoPtr

using FlowEngine::UniqueOrthophotoPtr = typedef Detail::UniquePtr< OrthophotoInterface >

Automatically manages the lifetime of a Orthophoto object.

◆ UniqueProjectedCoordinateSystemPtr

Automatically manages the lifetime of a ProjectedCoordinateSystem object.

◆ UniqueSettingsPtr

using FlowEngine::UniqueSettingsPtr = typedef Detail::UniquePtr< SettingsInterface >

Automatically manages the lifetime of a Settings object.

◆ UniqueSparsePointCloudPtr

Automatically manages the lifetime of a Sparse Point Cloud object.

◆ UniqueStereoMeshPtr

using FlowEngine::UniqueStereoMeshPtr = typedef Detail::UniquePtr< StereoMeshInterface >

Automatically manages the lifetime of a Stereo mesh object.

◆ UniqueStereoPointCloudPtr

Automatically manages the lifetime of a Stereo Point cloud object.

◆ UniqueStereoTexturedMeshPtr

Automatically manages the lifetime of a Stereo textured mesh object.

◆ UniqueWorkspaceLoaderPtr

using FlowEngine::UniqueWorkspaceLoaderPtr = typedef Detail::UniquePtr< WorkspaceLoaderInterface >

Automatically manages the lifetime of a Workspace Loader object.

◆ UniqueWorkspaceSaverPtr

using FlowEngine::UniqueWorkspaceSaverPtr = typedef Detail::UniquePtr< WorkspaceSaverInterface >

Automatically manages the lifetime of a Workspace Saver object.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ImagingEngine

enum class FlowEngine::ImagingEngine

The imaging engine used to read images from mass storage.


Default option, forced on creation of FlowEngine instances. On Windows: Tries the Windows Imaging Component (WIC), fallbacks on ImageMagick on failure. On Linux: Defaults to ImageMagick


Image Magick Powerful library that handles most of the image formats in existance.

◆ LicenseResult

enum class FlowEngine::LicenseResult : std::uint64_t

◆ LogType

enum class FlowEngine::LogType

Enumerates the possible types of a log.


◆ Result

enum class FlowEngine::Result : std::size_t

Enumerates possible results generated by FlowEngine.


Everything went ok.


This feature is not available in this version of FlowEngine.


Something went wrong. Usually the log contains more detailed information.


One or more supplied arguments are invalid.


File not found.


The provided buffer is too small to complete the operation.


Something went wrong while reading or writing a file. During a read, it may indicate a parsing error or a file corruption.


An abort or pause signal has been emitted, but no process is running.


A New SDK version is available to download.


An out of RAM memory error has been received.


An error has occurred on disk write. Common situations include:

  • not enough permissions to write
  • disk is full

One or more preconditions were not met.


The version of the loading 3DK is not supported or did not match the minimum requirements.


The license check failed. Possible reasons include:

  • the product was never correctly registered.
  • the license server is not reachable and the grace period ended.
  • the license has expired.
  • the trial period has ended. Use the LicenseManager class or the external license utility to get more information.

◆ StandardAxis

enum class FlowEngine::StandardAxis

enumerates the standard axes


The X axis.

The Y axis.

The Z axis.

Function Documentation

◆ ComputeCamerasRating()

FLE_DLL Result FlowEngine::ComputeCamerasRating ( Buffer< CameraInterface * >  cameras,
Buffer< Pair< CameraInterface *, Point2 > >  selectedPoints,
Buffer< int >  inOutRatings 

Compute camera ratings based on point visibility.

◆ CreateBoundingBox()

FLE_DLL BoundingBoxInterface * FlowEngine::CreateBoundingBox ( )

Creates a BoundingBox object

a new BoundingBox object or nullptr if the operation failed

◆ CreateCamera()

FLE_DLL CameraInterface * FlowEngine::CreateCamera ( )

Creates a Camera object

a new CameraInterface object or nullptr if the operation failed

◆ CreateCameraCalibration()

FLE_DLL CameraCalibrationInterface * FlowEngine::CreateCameraCalibration ( )

Creates a CameraCalibration object

a new CameraCalibration object or nullptr if the operation failed

◆ CreateCameraConstraint()

FLE_DLL CameraConstraintInterface * FlowEngine::CreateCameraConstraint ( )

Creates a Camera Constraint object

a new Camera Point Constraint object or nullptr if the operation failed

◆ CreateCamerasLoader()

FLE_DLL CamerasLoaderInterface * FlowEngine::CreateCamerasLoader ( )

Creates a CamerasLoader object

a new CamerasLoader object or nullptr if the operation failed

◆ CreateControlPointConstraint()

FLE_DLL ControlPointConstraintInterface * FlowEngine::CreateControlPointConstraint ( )

Creates a Control Point Constraint object

a new Control Point Constraint object or nullptr if the operation failed

◆ CreateDynamicBuffer()

FLE_DLL DynamicBufferInterface * FlowEngine::CreateDynamicBuffer ( )

Creates a DynamicBuffer object

a new DynamicBuffer object or nullptr if the operation failed

◆ CreateFlowEngine()

FlowEngine::FlowEngineInterface * FlowEngine::CreateFlowEngine ( )

Creates a FlowEngineInterface object.

a new FlowEngineInterface object or nullptr if the operation failed.

◆ CreateLicenseInfo()

FLE_DLL LicenseInfoInterface * FlowEngine::CreateLicenseInfo ( )

Creates a LicenseInfo object

a new LicenseInfo object or nullptr if the operation failed

◆ CreateOrthophoto()

FLE_DLL OrthophotoInterface * FlowEngine::CreateOrthophoto ( )

Creates an Orthophoto object

a new Orthophoto object or nullptr if the operation failed

◆ CreateProjectedCoordinateSystem()

FLE_DLL ProjectedCoordinateSystemInterface * FlowEngine::CreateProjectedCoordinateSystem ( )

Creates a ProjectedCoordinateSystem object

a new ProjectedCoordinateSystem object or nullptr if the operation failed

◆ CreateSettings()

FLE_DLL SettingsInterface * FlowEngine::CreateSettings ( )

Creates a Settings object

a new Settings object or nullptr if the operation failed

◆ CreateSparsePointCloud()

FLE_DLL SparsePointCloudInterface * FlowEngine::CreateSparsePointCloud ( )

Creates a SparsePointCloud object

a new SparsePointCloud object or nullptr if the operation failed

◆ CreateStereoMesh()

FLE_DLL StereoMeshInterface * FlowEngine::CreateStereoMesh ( )

Creates a StereoMesh object

a new StereoMesh object or nullptr if the operation failed

◆ CreateStereoPointCloud()

FLE_DLL StereoPointCloudInterface * FlowEngine::CreateStereoPointCloud ( )

Creates a StereoPointCloud object

a new StereoPointCloud object or nullptr if the operation failed

◆ CreateStereoTexturedMesh()

FLE_DLL StereoTexturedMeshInterface * FlowEngine::CreateStereoTexturedMesh ( )

Creates a StereoTexturedMesh object

a new StereoTexturedMesh object or nullptr if the operation failed

◆ CreateWorkspaceLoader()

FLE_DLL WorkspaceLoaderInterface * FlowEngine::CreateWorkspaceLoader ( )

Creates a WorkspaceLoader object

a new WorkspaceLoader object or nullptr if the operation failed

◆ CreateWorkspaceSaver()

FLE_DLL WorkspaceSaverInterface * FlowEngine::CreateWorkspaceSaver ( )

Creates a WorkspaceSaver object

a new WorkspaceSaver object or nullptr if the operation failed

◆ DestroyBoundingBox()

FLE_DLL void FlowEngine::DestroyBoundingBox ( BoundingBoxInterface boundingBox)

Destroys a BoundingBox object

[in,out]boundingBoxpointer to a BoundingBox created with CreateBoundingBox()

◆ DestroyCamera()

FLE_DLL void FlowEngine::DestroyCamera ( CameraInterface camera)

Destroys a Camera object

[in]camerapointer to a Camera created with CreateCamera()

◆ DestroyCameraCalibration()

FLE_DLL void FlowEngine::DestroyCameraCalibration ( CameraCalibrationInterface cameraCalibration)

Destroys a CameraCalibration object

[in,out]cameraCalibrationpointer to a CameraCalibration created with CreateCameraCalibration()

◆ DestroyCameraConstraint()

FLE_DLL void FlowEngine::DestroyCameraConstraint ( CameraConstraintInterface cameraConstraint)

Destroys a Cameera Constraint object

[in]cameraConstraintpointer to a Camera Constraint created with CreateCameraConstraint()

◆ DestroyCamerasLoader()

FLE_DLL void FlowEngine::DestroyCamerasLoader ( CamerasLoaderInterface camerasLoader)

Destroys a CamerasLoader object

[in]camerasLoaderpointer to a CamerasLoader created with CreateCamerasLoader()

◆ DestroyControlPointConstraint()

FLE_DLL void FlowEngine::DestroyControlPointConstraint ( ControlPointConstraintInterface controlPoint)

Destroys a Control Point Constraint object

[in]controlPointpointer to a Control Point Constraint created with CreateControlPointConstraint()

◆ DestroyDynamicBuffer()

FLE_DLL void FlowEngine::DestroyDynamicBuffer ( DynamicBufferInterface buf)

Destroys a DynamicBuffer object

[in]bufpointer to a DynamicBuffer created with CreateDynamicBuffer()

◆ DestroyFlowEngine()

void FlowEngine::DestroyFlowEngine ( FlowEngine::FlowEngineInterface flowEngine)

Destroys a FlowEngineInterface object.

[in]flowEnginepointer to a FlowEngineInterface object created with CreateFlowEngineObject().

◆ DestroyFlowEngineObject()

void FlowEngine::DestroyFlowEngineObject ( FlowEngine::FlowEngineInterface flowEngine)

Destroys a FlowEngineInterface object.

[in]flowEnginepointer to a FlowEngineInterface object created with CreateFlowEngineObject().

◆ DestroyLicenseInfo()

FLE_DLL void FlowEngine::DestroyLicenseInfo ( LicenseInfoInterface info)

Destroys a LicenseInfo object

[in]infopointer to a LicenseInfo created with CreateLicenseInfo()

◆ DestroyOrthophoto()

FLE_DLL void FlowEngine::DestroyOrthophoto ( OrthophotoInterface orthophoto)

Destroys an Orthophoto object

[in,out]orthophotopointer to an Orthophoto created with CreateOrthophoto()

◆ DestroyProjectedCoordinateSystem()

FLE_DLL void FlowEngine::DestroyProjectedCoordinateSystem ( ProjectedCoordinateSystemInterface pcs)

Destroys a ProjectedCoordinateSystem object

[in]pcspointer to a ProjectedCoordinateSystem created with CreateProjectedCoordinateSystem()

◆ DestroySettings()

FLE_DLL void FlowEngine::DestroySettings ( SettingsInterface settings)

Destroyes a Settings object

[in]settingsa pointer to a Settings created with CreateSettings()

◆ DestroySparsePointCloud()

FLE_DLL void FlowEngine::DestroySparsePointCloud ( SparsePointCloudInterface pointCloud)

Destroys a SparsePointCloud object

[in,out]pointCloudpointer to a BoundingBox created with CreateBoundingBox()

◆ DestroyStereoMesh()

FLE_DLL void FlowEngine::DestroyStereoMesh ( StereoMeshInterface stereoMesh)

Destroys a StereoMesh object

[in]stereoMeshpointer to a StereoMesh created with CreateStereoMesh()

◆ DestroyStereoPointCloud()

FLE_DLL void FlowEngine::DestroyStereoPointCloud ( StereoPointCloudInterface stereoPointCloud)

Destroys a StereoPointCloud object

[in]stereoPointCloudpointer to a StereoPointCloud created with CreateStereoPointCloud()

◆ DestroyStereoTexturedMesh()

FLE_DLL void FlowEngine::DestroyStereoTexturedMesh ( StereoTexturedMeshInterface stereoTexturedMesh)

Destroys a StereoMesh object

[in]stereoTexturedMeshpointer to a StereoTexturedMesh created with CreateStereoTexturedMesh()

◆ DestroyWorkspaceLoader()

FLE_DLL void FlowEngine::DestroyWorkspaceLoader ( WorkspaceLoaderInterface workspaceLoader)

Destroys a WorkspaceLoader object

[in]workspaceLoaderpointer to a WorkspaceLoader object created with CreateWorkspaceLoader()

◆ DestroyWorkspaceSaver()

FLE_DLL void FlowEngine::DestroyWorkspaceSaver ( WorkspaceSaverInterface workspaceSaver)

Destroys a WorkspaceSaver object

[in]workspaceSaverpointer to a WorkspaceSaver created with CreateWorkspaceSaver()

◆ GetResultMessage()

FLE_DLL const char * FlowEngine::GetResultMessage ( Result  inResult)
a string representation of a result code.
[in]inResultthe result code

◆ SampleEpipolarLine()

FLE_DLL Result FlowEngine::SampleEpipolarLine ( const CameraInterface referenceCamera,
const Point2 referencePoint,
const CameraInterface targetCamera,
int  sampleCount,
Buffer< Point2 inOutPoints 

Samples the epipolar line for a point chosen on a reference camera w.r.t. another camera. The line (note that it may be distorted due tue radial distortion) will be sampled inOutPoints.count times.

[in]referenceCamerathe camera whose epipolar line to be projected
[in]referencePointthe coordinates of the point in the referenceCamera
[in]sampleCountthe number of samples to take. Must be greater-equal than 2.
[in,out]inOutPointsan array of Points2 that will be filled with samples of the epipolar line. Must be at least sampleCount long
One of the following result codes: