The "Advanced" menu
The Advanced sub menu offers some extra features:
> The "Dense Point Cloud generation" function
Starts a new dense point cloud generation wizard. See the "Extracting a dense point cloud" chapter as reference. More than one dense point cloud can co-exist in the same workspace.
> The "Mesh extraction" function
Starts a new mesh extraction wizard. See the "Extracting a surface" chapter as reference. More than one mesh can co-exist in the same workspace.
> The "Generate and export enhanced mesh" function
This function allows to regenerate a mesh (or textured mesh) while arbitrarily densifying the polycount and eventually by intensifying high frequencies details - please note these are fake details as they are not generated with a photogrammetric process. This is a niche feature developed for very specific workflow.
> The "Automatic register images to scans" function
This tool allows adding UAV and/or ground pictures to a set of colored laser scans. Once done, a new sparse point cloud from photogrammetry data will be created and added to the project. The sparse point cloud and the laser scan you have previously selected in the tool settings will be registered together.
Please note that the laser scans must come with RGB data and origin coordinates (i.e., native file formats or .e57 format) and must be aligned before using this tool.
This tool saves time by avoiding creating a photogrammetry project from scratch as well as the registration step between LiDAR and photogrammetry data.