These functions are not available in 3DF Zephyr Lite and 3DF Zephyr Free.

This menu allows access to the most used Distance and Measurement tools already present in the Measures panel.

Area: allows to compute the area of a given mesh.

Volume: allows to compute the mesh volume. If the mesh is not completely closed, all holes will be automatically filled and later shown with a red color.

Volume with Projection: allows calculation of the volume of a mesh or a point cloud by considering the points distance and the position of a plane chosen by the user. Points under the plane are not considered, while those above are projected on the plane's surface.

Hollow Volume: allows calculation of the volume of a cloud/mesh when the photographic survey has been carried out from the inside of the acquired object itself, as in the case of a room or a tank.

Angles: when at least three control points have been selected, you can compute the angle between control points. The interface of the window that will appear will allow you to set control points as A,B and C and then compute the angles between the vectors BA and BC. A checkbox will allow you to change the output to radians or degrees.

Quick Measurements: this function is also present on the toolbar with the icon and it allows to quickly pick and measure directly in the 3D space. This tool allows also for measuring the horizontal, elevation and inclination of a segment.