FlowEngine 7.530
Photogrammetry Software Development Kit
CFlowEngine::BoundingBoxInterface | An oriented bounding box |
CFlowEngine::Buffer< T > | Holds a (mutable) non_owning pointer and a size Used to marshal memory buffers as arguments in a safely manner |
CFlowEngine::Buffer< char > | Specialization for a Buffer of characters |
CFlowEngine::Buffer< FlowEngine::PointColor32 > | |
CFlowEngine::Buffer< T * > | Buffer specialization for FlowEngine object classes |
CFlowEngine::CameraCalibrationInterface | Stores a camera calibration |
CFlowEngine::CameraConstraintInterface | Stores a 3d camera constraint |
CFlowEngine::CamerasLoaderInterface | Utility class to load and setup cameras from a specific folder |
CFlowEngine::Color | Packed RGB color |
CFlowEngine::ConstBuffer< T > | Holds a (non mutable) non_owning pointer and a count Used to marshal memory buffers as arguments in a safely manner |
CFlowEngine::ConstBuffer< char > | Specialization for a const buffer characters |
CFlowEngine::ConstBuffer< T * > | ConstBuffer specialization for FlowEngine object classes |
CFlowEngine::CudaDeviceInfo | Basic information about a CUDA-enabled device |
CFlowEngine::DateTime | Represents a moment in time |
CFlowEngine::DynamicBufferInterface | Dynamic memory buffer utility used to marshall variable amount of data |
CFlowEngine::Equirectangular | Utility class to generate equirectangular-projection images and decompose them |
CFlowEngine::FlowEngineInterface | FlowEngine main computation interface |
CFlowEngine::Image | Quaternion Holds information about a raw image Data is not owned |
CFlowEngine::ImageIO | Utility methods related to image files |
CFlowEngine::LicenseInfoInterface | Holds information about the currently active license and its leases |
CFlowEngine::LicenseManager | Handles licensing |
▼CFlowEngine::LogListenerInterface | Pure virtual Log Listener interface |
CFlowEngine::LogListenerOStream | Simple log listener class |
CFlowEngine::MarkerPrinter | Utility class to query information and generate tag images to use for marker detection |
▼CFlowEngine::NamedObjectInterface | Interface for all FlowEngine objects with an editable name |
CFlowEngine::CameraInterface | Stores a camera object to feed the Structure from Motion parameters |
CFlowEngine::ControlPointConstraintInterface | Stores a ground control point constraint with image projections and 3D constraint |
CFlowEngine::SparsePointCloudInterface | Stores a PointCloud object |
CFlowEngine::StereoMeshInterface | Stores a simple stereo mesh object for the FlowEngine interface |
CFlowEngine::StereoPointCloudInterface | Stores a simple Dense Point Cloud object for the FlowEngine interface |
CFlowEngine::StereoTexturedMeshInterface | Stores a simple textured mesh object for the FlowEngine interface |
CFlowEngine::Normal | Normal |
CFlowEngine::OrthophotoInterface | Hold an Orthophoto object |
CFlowEngine::Pair< T, S > | Bound 2 values together |
CFlowEngine::Point2 | 2 dimensional point |
CFlowEngine::Point3 | Three dimensional point |
CFlowEngine::PointColor32 | Floating-point color |
▼CFlowEngine::ProgressBarInterface | Pure virtual Progress Bar interface |
CFlowEngine::ProgressBarEmpty | Simple/Empty progress bar class |
CFlowEngine::ProjectedCoordinateSystemDB | Utility class that supplies a database of Projected Coordinate Systems |
CFlowEngine::ProjectedCoordinateSystemInterface | Represents a Projected Coordinate System (PCS) |
CFlowEngine::Quaternion | Quaternion Holds an axis and an angle |
CFlowEngine::SettingsInterface | Stores the processing settings |
CFlowEngine::SettingsManager | Utility class to work with settings |
CFlowEngine::TexCoords | Texture coordinate Holds a couple of floats representing texture coordinates |
CFlowEngine::Triangle | Triangle. Holds 3 indexes to points. Triangles are specified in counter-clockwise order |
CFlowEngine::Version | Represents a version in the major.minor categories format |
CFlowEngine::WorkspaceLoaderInterface | Utility class to load objects from ".3dk" binary files that can be saved using the WorkspaceSaverInterface |
CFlowEngine::WorkspaceSaverInterface | Utility class to save output objects as .3dk binary files that can be opened by 3DF Zephyr gui |