FlowEngine 7.530
Photogrammetry Software Development Kit
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CBoundingBoxInterfaceAn oriented bounding box
 CBufferHolds a (mutable) non_owning pointer and a size Used to marshal memory buffers as arguments in a safely manner
 CBuffer< char >Specialization for a Buffer of characters
 CBuffer< T * >Buffer specialization for FlowEngine object classes
 CCameraCalibrationInterfaceStores a camera calibration
 CCameraConstraintInterfaceStores a 3d camera constraint
 CCameraInterfaceStores a camera object to feed the Structure from Motion parameters
 CCamerasLoaderInterfaceUtility class to load and setup cameras from a specific folder
 CColorPacked RGB color
 CConstBufferHolds a (non mutable) non_owning pointer and a count Used to marshal memory buffers as arguments in a safely manner
 CConstBuffer< char >Specialization for a const buffer characters
 CConstBuffer< T * >ConstBuffer specialization for FlowEngine object classes
 CControlPointConstraintInterfaceStores a ground control point constraint with image projections and 3D constraint
 CCudaDeviceInfoBasic information about a CUDA-enabled device
 CDateTimeRepresents a moment in time
 CDynamicBufferInterfaceDynamic memory buffer utility used to marshall variable amount of data
 CEquirectangularUtility class to generate equirectangular-projection images and decompose them
 CFlowEngineInterfaceFlowEngine main computation interface
 CImageQuaternion Holds information about a raw image Data is not owned
 CImageIOUtility methods related to image files
 CLicenseInfoInterfaceHolds information about the currently active license and its leases
 CLicenseManagerHandles licensing
 CLogListenerInterfacePure virtual Log Listener interface
 CLogListenerOStreamSimple log listener class
 CMarkerPrinterUtility class to query information and generate tag images to use for marker detection
 CNamedObjectInterfaceInterface for all FlowEngine objects with an editable name
 COrthophotoInterfaceHold an Orthophoto object
 CPairBound 2 values together
 CPoint22 dimensional point
 CPoint3Three dimensional point
 CPointColor32Floating-point color
 CProgressBarEmptySimple/Empty progress bar class
 CProgressBarInterfacePure virtual Progress Bar interface
 CProjectedCoordinateSystemDBUtility class that supplies a database of Projected Coordinate Systems
 CProjectedCoordinateSystemInterfaceRepresents a Projected Coordinate System (PCS)
 CQuaternionQuaternion Holds an axis and an angle
 CSettingsInterfaceStores the processing settings
 CSettingsManagerUtility class to work with settings
 CSparsePointCloudInterfaceStores a PointCloud object
 CStereoMeshInterfaceStores a simple stereo mesh object for the FlowEngine interface
 CStereoPointCloudInterfaceStores a simple Dense Point Cloud object for the FlowEngine interface
 CStereoTexturedMeshInterfaceStores a simple textured mesh object for the FlowEngine interface
 CTexCoordsTexture coordinate Holds a couple of floats representing texture coordinates
 CTriangleTriangle. Holds 3 indexes to points. Triangles are specified in counter-clockwise order
 CVersionRepresents a version in the major.minor categories format
 CWorkspaceLoaderInterfaceUtility class to load objects from ".3dk" binary files that can be saved using the WorkspaceSaverInterface
 CWorkspaceSaverInterfaceUtility class to save output objects as .3dk binary files that can be opened by 3DF Zephyr gui